Evolve, faster than customers

Put digital into your DNA, and make a winning dash over competition

Customers are evolving and organizations need to keep pace. That is why digital is amongst the most vital ingredients of success for organizations. Digital allows you to stay ahead of customers, markets and competition. Datarynx has the technological expertise and focus you need to make this happen. Fast. The problem is that not every organization is ready for digital. Even when they make bold investments, every second initiative to digitalize tends to get derailed or shows discouraging subpar returns.
Our Digital Transformation services are designed to beat the odds. They put digital into your organization’s DNA and enable you to shape customer expectations, tap into new opportunities, keep employees engaged and make your investments count. Because our solutions are designed to maintain business relevance over the long term.
If you are laying the foundation for your digital future, go with hard-nosed advice that results in judicious technological investments based on an assessment of your business needs. Our Digital Transformation portfolio is what you need. It is extensive, relevant and what your business demands to stay ahead of customer expectations.

Business Transformation
Play it like a pro

Digital Transformation begins by re-engineering business models and operational processes so that they are ready for a digital future. We focus on the processes and capabilities that define your business; we design new ways to improve agility and flexibility; we deepen your competitive differentiators and deliver exponential value.

Our Business Transformation practice co-develops process maps and workflows with your trusted team members. Together we identify strengths and weaknesses, capabilities and gaps. These are then aligned with your broader business objectives so that business transformation can be integrated with existing investments, architected to withstanding future disruptions and deliver the target value.

Create emotional connects, strengthen loyalty

User Experience (UX), which is a result of User Interface (UI) design (and some savvy code), should be meaningful and impactful while helping accomplish user goals. Our approach to UX/UI focuses on enhancing user satisfaction by improving usability and simplifying interfaces by making them relevant to the user’s role and context. While most developers address features and fixing bugs, our experience has led us to study and evaluate user needs and behavior, then map application interfaces to meet user goals. It is the perfect recipe to ensure users keep coming back for more.


Our team of UX/UI experts co-create content strategies for each of your user groups, roles and business goals. These are transformed into information architecture, wireframes, visual designs and prototypes (along with system integration). The next stage is to put these through rigorous functional and user acceptance testing before going into production. Our team can also ensure that usage metrics are analyzed and deployed in a feedback loop for continuous improvement. Bottom line: You can be confident that our combination of design principles and technology will create positive emotional connects and win users.

The path to new products and compelling experiences

Our consultants elevate investments in digital transformation via AR/VR applications. These applications support new business models, improve productivity, increase safety and boost employee/ customer satisfaction. Education, training, remote assistance for inspection and repairs, product/ service prototypes, recruitment, marketing, entertainment and gaming are some of the areas we can deliver value using AR/VR.


The roll out of 5G networks, with their superior bandwidth and reliability, will see AR/VR applications explode across manufacturing, retail, education, pharma/ health care and construction. Our team works with customers to ensure they use appropriate technologies such as projection systems, head-mounted displays and mobile devices along with 3D modeling, CAD, GPS, tools for image recognition/ tracking, 3D graphics, AR/ VR libraries and interface design. Our focus is on using open-source platforms, frameworks and tools such as OpenSpace3D, Google’s ARCore and PlugXR to create compelling experiences.

Win users, meet business goals

Smart organizations are gamifying their applications to drive superior business outcomes. Our application design and development professionals are sold on the idea that the workplace should be fun, challenging and rewarding. To do this, they inject game elements, human psychology, cognitive flow and technology to energizing your business applications (er, confession: we are obsessed with application aesthetics as well).

Our gamified applications are designed to promote autonomy, a feeling of competence, achievement and success in users. This is done by creating a system of rules, prompts, goal setting, feedback, ranking, leaderboards, social integration, rewards/ recognition and personalization. We believe that gamified applications should provide users the freedom to fail while motivating them to improve their performance without losing sight of business objectives. Customers using our Gamification services can expect end-to-end project management. This starts with an assessment of business objectives, user profiling to game and player strategies, game design, prototyping, testing, production, scaling and ends with infrastructure and technology integration.

Application Modernization
Squeeze new business value from existing applications

Re-architect, re-factor, re-package and re-platform on premise, legacy applications for multi and hybrid cloud environments (nah, no screen-scrapping for us). Customers using our Application Modernization services to containerize their legacy applications gain from being able to leverage DevOps for faster release of new features, the ability to expose their applications via APIs to new services, deliver at scale and improve performance. In the process, they de-risk productivity loss—without having to retire their applications.

Our Application Modernization expertise runs wide and deep. It includes an understanding of Cloud Architecture, Cloud Migration, Containers, Microservices and Orchestration. We use automation for tasks associated with containers such as deployment and scaling. While our modernization frameworks reduce transformation time, our automated approach improves time to value and lowers run costs. End result? You grow faster. By leveraging our dedicated team of Application Modernization experts, you can accelerate your growth ambitions even further.

API Microservices
Stay on the path of constant evolution, respond to markets faster

Monolithic applications are difficult to change and scale. But organizations like Netflix, Spotify, Twitter and Amazon have shown how this can be done. They have built their success by evolving from a monolithic to a modular microservices architecture. The services use APIs for the flow of data between microservices and to access functionalities. But the top reason to adopt Microservices is the ability they unlock to run, change, fix and scale specific features and functions independently, without having to risk bringing down the entire application.

Our cross functional team focuses on creating one or more individual and independent service or a single application as a suite of services—along with the required decentralized data management—to enhance specific business capabilities. We use our expertise in Kubernetes, Docker and CI-CD for the development of services along with tools like Jenkins and Hudson for easy integration and rapid deployment. Sum total: Our expertise allows you to respond to market changes and outpace competition.

Open-source development
Find an option to legacy and improve speed of response

Technology is becoming more interconnected and the pace of development has increased. This has prompted organizations to examine open-source software (OSS) to improve their response times. Our experts believe that OSS not only provides improved speed of response, but source code transparency makes it more trustworthy. We have the ability to ensure that every business acquires the technological capability to use and manage OSS. This is where we step in, functioning as an extended arm of the organization, bringing in our ability to strategize, execute and customize OSS developments.


OSS is becoming popular across organizations of all sizes because it is democratized, reduces cost of ownership and delivers customizable customer-centric features. Many depend on OSS as an effective means of replacing legacy technology. As an organization looking for a one-stop OSS shop, you can rely on our expertise across Android development, Joomla, Drupal, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Kubernetes, Node.js, Wireshark, etc., covering the entire OSS spectrum (OS, mobile, web, communication, data, security, multimedia).

Keep us on speed dial for mobile innovation

No organization can hope to survive without using mobile technology. Today, hand held devices (smart phones, tablets, wearables) and mobile applications account for over half the time spent consuming digital media, communication/collaboration, e-commerce or attending to workplace requirements. Users, led by a tribe of influential millennials, prefer native mobile apps over websites. Most have upwards of 30 apps on their mobile devices (how many do you have?). And with remote work from home practices gaining traction, the need for mobile enterprise applications has multiplied.


We create user-focused enterprise and consumer-facing mobile and wearable applications that solve business problems and provide an intuitive user experience. We undertake mobile application design from business analysis to concept, prototyping, UI, development, testing, release and back end integration, along with continuous improvement to address changing markets. Our focus is on innovation and quality in the mobile app technology space (iOS, Android, Windows and leading mobile development platforms such as Xamarin, Flutter, React-Native, etc.) through scalable architecture, agile development and a special emphasis on security and data privacy.